The surveyor
I’ve seen this guy hanging out up on his perch for the past few days during my morning commute. He didn’t seem to mind me taking his picture, though I’m sure his nest isn’t too far away.
I’ve seen this guy hanging out up on his perch for the past few days during my morning commute. He didn’t seem to mind me taking his picture, though I’m sure his nest isn’t too far away.
It’s time to celebrate the new year. This candle holder was a gift from Vicki’s aunt Jane and always brings back fond memories of her. Now we use it to celebrate the start of a new year.
Here’s a good random picture. A goat climbing a mountain. Ahh yes, this was taken back in 2003 when Vicki and I went to Greece and Italy. There were times on that vacation where I could have sold my return ticket and just settled into a small village and lived out my life there.
I’m not a big fan of the hyper-consumerism which is brought out during Black Friday (or the overextended holiday season, for that matter). I prefer to stay home with the family and play board games (and eat leftovers, of course). This year we’ve had a blast playing Carcassonne, Wits and Wagers, and Bootleggers. If you’ve … Read more
Probably the best thing about black and white images is that by not including any color, you make an image more abstract. You can take a highly noticeable image and make it somewhat abstract by removing color. Take this image for example. In color, you would know right away what it is, but in black … Read more
Yup, it’s that time again. And just like last week’s “where am I?” picture, this one is a question. What am I? Personally, I love the textures of this image and am amazed at how well my camera handles the higher ISOs (this one taken at 1250).
Time for another random image. This time it’s a quiz — where am I? Hint: somewhere in Madison, WI
Yup, it’s that time again. A while back I was experimenting with a technique called reverse lens macro and this is one of the images I came up with. It’s a peppercorn at the macro level.
I took this one in June when I got my new 17-35 f/2.8 lens. The location is next the the pavilion on the North side of Monona Bay in Madison. I’ve done some post work to this image to make it look like it was taken at night.
We’ll see how long I can keep this up for, but starting now, I’m going to post a random image from my archives every Friday. To kick things off, here’s an image I took last weekend while stumbling around after the Gourmet Taste of Chicago (the wine was really really good).