Twitter and Facebook: broken together

Web2.0, or the social web, or whatever buzzword you want to apply to the current state of the interwebs is a great place.  The number of options for keeping in touch with people and sharing information is infinite (yes, there are that many).  Unfortunately, I don’t think that more is better in this case.  Take Twitter and Facebook for example.  These are the most popular social networking services right now.  They are similar in some ways, yet fundamentally different in others.

Twitter and Facebook are broken together.  Independently they serve a specific purpose, yet they just aren’t meant to be together.
Here’s the problem: I use both of these services and for the portions of the services that overlap, I really only want to use one service.  Unfortunately, the two services don’t work well with each other and I end up having to maintain both at the same time.  Here’s my breakdown of the good and bad of twitter and facebook.

good bad
  • short and sweet updates (the 140 character limit is pure genius)
  • updates can be automatically sent to facebook
  • lightweight — not bogged down by photos and videos and absurd quizzes
  • lots of twitter clients
  • too many twitter clients — I oftentimes miss replies and messages sent to me because I’m using a variety of clients to access the content
  • threads are nonexistent — it’s hard to have a true conversation
  • no way to hide or minimize the number of updates you see from a chatter-happy followee (in facebook, you can hide somebody but not unfriend them)
  • tagging a post is clunky (#tagname just eats away at the 140 character limit)
  • status can be updated straight from twitter
  • can post photos and videos
  • much easier to follow a thread/conversation than with twitter
  • polls, quizzes and games are the smog and pollution of facebook
  • updates do not get sent to twitter
  • only the website is a valid option for viewing content (the iPhone app sucks)

My ideal world would take the best of both worlds and combine them into a single service.  I really like to be able to check twitter updates from just about anywhere, but I’d like to be able to dig further into a more feature-rich service like facebook (sans quizzes, of course) — a two-tier system of sorts.  I would also like to have the multitude of clients that I use to view the posts somehow know what I have and have not seen yet so that I don’t miss any messages aimed directly at me.

What are your thoughts on this?  Do you use either/both of these services?  Am I missing something here?

2 thoughts on “Twitter and Facebook: broken together”

  1. I am just starting to dabble in FB, but have found it easy to block applications which means I never get “poked”, “kidnapped” a second time.

    I find it interesting to see how well some companies are using Twitter and wonder why others are still resisting SM.

  2. I agree that some businesses are really using twitter well (newspapers are a good example), but I wonder how well twitter will handle the bulk that comes with millions and millions of users. I’m already feeling overwhelmed by the number of tweets I get from the 49 people I follow, and that’s only 49 people!

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