Making the tough decision

One of my wedding clients just canceled their wedding that is only 3 weeks away.  At first, this seems pretty bad — think of all the guests, reservations, bookings, and money that has been spent planning this wedding — worse yet, what will people think of them! It turns out Read more…

Sale Sale Sale!

When does a sale stop being a sale? There is this store near where I live that sells skis and snow-sports stuff in the winter and patio furniture in the summer.  I can’t remember a time when I’ve driven by their store and not seen a large banner in the Read more…

I have an opinion

Yes, I have an opinion. Does that mean I’m right and you’re wrong? No. What it does mean is that we have a starting point for a conversation. I have been told before that I am opinionated and oftentimes in a way that makes it sound like a four letter Read more…